                                                                                                                  May 10, 2024
Teaching children of God the skills needed for a lifetime of learning, worshipping and caring that the world sees Jesus in them.
Dear Parents,
HAPPY MOTHER'S Day moms.  We spent some time this week talking about all of the things that you do, and how they are so loved.  We may not always show it, but we do appreciate the many things that you do for us.   We thank God for giving us YOU as our special mom.  We thank YOU for doing so many things for us.  I thank MY mom too.  She is the greatest!   

We spent some extra time writing and making sentences with our sight words as a review.  The letter, numeral, sounds recognition test and the sight word test are in today's folder.  I'd suggest that you keep this word list along with any words that you come across in the books that you read, and practice them.  They are expected to know these upon enterting 1st grade. 

See what your child can tell you about our caterpillars.  We've watched them all week.  They are now in their chrysalis.  See if your child can tell you about the butterfly's abdomen right after it emerges from the chrysalis.  What are the antennas for-two things.  We should all be able to tell you what it is called when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly.  What is the difference between a moth and a butterfly.  We've loved learning about these creature creatures, and can't wait to see them. 

Congratulations to the Books Read to Me certificate earners-Charles-300 Books Read, Jayden-250 Books Read,Jada-300 Books Read, Jackson-550 Books Read, AND Alana-600 Books Read.  Today was the last day to turn a book list in for credit.  Some of you really worked hard to get one more list in to finish the year. 

 I love seeing the children who are reading some of the books themselves to a parent.  This is the time of the year when the Readers begin to Blossom.  Keep it up. 

is our newest Kindergarten Kid.  She is featured on the Kindergarten Kid board outside of our room, and on the web page.  She is our classmate with a sweet loving personality.  She has more funny things to say-without even trying to be funny.  Check her out on the web page.

Happy Birthday to Simone and Jamour.  They both have their 6th birthday on May 24-after school is out.  We ask God's continued blessings on you as God continues to keep you safe as you grow in Him.  These two are featured on the Web!

Gosh, graduation is really creeping upon us.  Our Kindergarten Graduation is Wednesday, May 15, at 9 AM.  It will last about 1 hour.  Children should arrive by  8:30.  We'll want to make sure that we use the bathroom, get some last minute pictures with our classmates, and some final reminders and instructions.  You will want to go straight to the church to get some seats.  I'd suggest that you not sit on the far right side as you face the altar.  We will be in your way for part of the time.  They will not need book bags on Wednesday.  Everything will be sent home on Tuesday.  We'll have a little "Photo Booth" of sorts set up outside the classroom.  Feel free to use it before and after graduation.  The service will last about 1 hour.  The end of the service will conclude our kindergarten year, so you may take your child with you at the end of the program.  THANKS SO MUCH!  While it was a year like none other that I've experienced, Mrs. Washburn and I have formed a bond with these children, and have a special place in our hearts for them.  I hope to see you next year.  If you are out and about and recognize either of us, please say HI.  We love to see children of the past. 

Thanks to many of you, WE REACHED (and exceeded) OUR GOAL for our chapel offerings to FCA!  We presented them with a check yesterday morning for $1,247.10.  THANKS FOR HELPING US LET OUR LIGHTS SHINE! 

Thanks to Mrs. White (Dominic's mom) and her helpers who planned the field day.  It was great fun.  My guess is we'll be sending you some tired out youngsters, but it'll be a good tired. 

Mrs. Washburn and I would like to thank all for the Teacher Appreciation gifts and cards.  It was a week of pampering by the APTO.  Thanks for your support.

Doris E.

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May 10, 2024